Set Breakdown

Both editorial looks were created in the the back of the gallery space and swapped out by the art team as wardrobe and HMU was updated between scenes.
This set acted as a full functioning 360 degree galley space, featuring artwork by 12 artists, all curated by Payton Jane. All looks within the video lived within the gallery space.

A glass room divder was used to practically create the basis for the collage look. Adding a green velvet backdrop and the lead singer behind the glass rods allowed the DP to shoot through the glass poles and create a college effect in camera. This made for a smooth visual transition for the edited collage pieces

All artwork displayed in the gallery had accurate name plate cards. A few of the pieces were made by fellow crew members, including a series that is highlighted in the video made by our 1st AC. For the day of shooting, this was a fully built out pop up art gallery.
Many pieces were custom made by Payton Jane for the music video-including all of the opening credits, which were done practically. The large red center piece of the gallery created by Payton was titled 'i love you' and measured 8'x8'. The magazines and newspaper that the gallery patrons were holding were also custom made with artwork from selected artists in the gallery.